No democracy in heaven I know it's sad but true
God makes the rules and tells us what we can and cannot do
When you die and go to glory for you he'll know what's best
So shut up and eat your angel food give your brain a rest
No democracy in heaven, no democracy in hell
There the devil is your master and he knows his job full well
You were sent to burn and suffer since you were a dirty rat
And there is no referendum that can change all that.
No democracy in heaven, no democracy in hell
But some say in the USA it is alive and well
Your opinions will be useless when your earthly race is run
So vote or write a letter to your congressman
No democracy in heaven I know it's sad but true
God makes the rules and tells us what we can and cannot do
When you die and go to glory for you he'll know what's best
So shut up and eat your angel food give your brain a rest.