The story behind "I Guess I'll Play for Jesus"
From producer and songwriter Neil J. Young
Once we were crawling out of the recording studio after spending many hours getting to the point of exhaustion only to see that someone had left the television on. There on the screen was the PTL Club droning away. I only remember some of the dialogue which was that "you should reach deep down in your pocketbooks so that the Lord's work could be done. Reach down until it hurts. Show Jesus how much you love him and send us your generous donations" or words to that effect.
I thought we were both too tired and too disgusted to make much of it, but my friend Brian said "I think we're in the wrong business." He quickly turned off the TV and declared: "Well I guess I'll play for Jesus. I hear it pays real well. And as an added option I won't have to go to hell like all you crummy heathens are gonna someday have to do, yeah I guess I'll play for Jesus that's what I'm gonna do." Just like that. Amazing what can happen when you're sleep deprived!
Brian and I recorded this song back in the 80s on an old four track and were surprised that it was played so many times by a radio station out of Gilroy (the legendary KFAT). When people started calling into the station asking how to get a copy, they couldn't. This wasn't anything we were doing for a commercial production, but we had fun doing it. We updated it for Best of Blasphemy, because in the old days you could actually buy a suit for under $600 and when I recently asked someone how much they paid for their Italian silk suit they told me was $1500. I merely adjusted for inflation and updated the lyrics.
This was another song I sent to "Brother D." David Rosen and he re-made it in the spirit of the original. He played everything but the lead guitar and we found a local country singer to sing the vocal. I wish, in hindsight, that I would have made some instruments go in and out rather than everybody burning their way through the song, but it seemed like that kind of production was what it was calling out for at the time. When you're a recording engineer/producer or a musician there are always things you know you could do better. Everybody else just thinks you're excessively crazy, and to some degree we are. I regret not putting a backing vocal a little hotter in the mix with David saying "pick it for the Lord one time the son."
Well, in music you can keep on pickin’ that thang, but you know that it'll never heal...